
Hoist the Flag ang Tie the Armbands



 (Tibetan Government-in-Exile)

 Ref no:................ Date: 24th March 2008 Circular: Hoist the Flag and Tie the Armbands

The non-violent demonstrations, which began on March 10, 2008 in Lhasa, have now spread all over three different provinces of Tibet. These unplanned peaceful protests have been met with severe repercussions leaving hundred of Tibetans killed, several hundreds injured, and thousands imprisoned unjustly.

The Tibetan Solidarity Committee, constituted by the Kashag and the Tibetan Parliament in exile, urgently request all Tibetans and international Tibetan supporters to hoist the Tibetan National Flag on their rooftops or any location where the flag is highly visible. In addition to hoisting the National flag, tie a black armband on the right arm until the crisis concludes, to show our solidarity with Tibetans suffering inside Tibet.

The black armband is to represent the current crisis inside Tibet. In order to create a stronger message, we declare Sunday, March 30, 2008 the day to concurrently hoist the Tibetan National flag in unity. This action may be carried out at a given time to be decided locally. We appreciate your cooperation in advance. - Tibetan Solidarity Committee

March 24, 2008

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